وصف البرنامج >>
برنامج ريال بلاير اس بي الجديد , قفزة نوعية لشركة ريال بلاير العملاقة الان بامكانك الاستمتاع بقراءة الوسائط المتعددة المنتجة
لانواع اخرى مثل الاجهزة الكفية بعض تقنيات التشفير وغيرها من الملحقات الجديدة بالاضافة الى امكانية تحويل صيغ الملتيميديا بكل
سهولة وسرعة من خلال برنامج مدمج بالاضافة الى حرق الملفات على اسطوانات سى دى او دي في دي
صورة إثبات رقم الإصدار .
لمشاهدة واجهة البرنامج الجديدة والجذابة يرجي الضغط هنا
أهم مميزات البرنامج …
The RealPlayer is the first product that integrates Real’s revolutionary new Harmony technology.
RealPlayer enables consumers to buy and download music that plays on more than 100
portable devices, including the Apple iPod. RealPlayer is the only digital-media player
you need for finding and downloading new music, playing and managing audio and
video clips, and taking your digital entertainment with you. RealPlayer offers a streamlined
interface that allows you to keep your media library close at hand. Keep all your digital-media
clips organized in one place; save CD tracks with one click; pause and rewind live streams;
transfer music to CDs and portable devices effortlessly; and enjoy clear, smooth video
playback and multichannel, surround-sound support. Helix Powered RealPlayer is
the all-in-one digital media player that lets you find anything and Play everything.
This popular streaming-media player offers improved video controls and access to 3200 radio stations.
RealPlayer also includes an option during setup to install the Real Toolbar for Internet Explorer.
With RealPlayer you get an improved graphic equalizer and media services, including a radio
tuner and an artist and music guide. Meanwhile, the Take 5 news service can offer you daily
sports updates. A conual video search helps you find interviews with your favorite artists.
The RealPlayer music store lets you buy music files. Finally, you can use the software
to transfer files to CDs and portable devices.
التوافق / كافة إصدارات وندوز
حجم البرنامج/ 23 ميجا فقط
تاريخ الإصدار 2022/10/01