
Come and Play with us Give a sentence


السلام عليكم احبتي

اليوم جايبتلكم لعبة جديدة ، بتمنى تكون مسلية وممتعة

فكرة اللعبة

كل عضوة بتكتب جملة مكملة لجملة العضوة التي قبلها
( طبعا باللغة الانجليزية)


العضوة الاولى كتبت :

I saw a man walking in a street

العضوة الثانية

The street is near the garden

العضوة الثالثة

The garden is full of flowers

اذا عجبتكم اللعبة شاركونا فيها


و اذا ما عجبتكم ….(خيرها بغيرها)

(ياريت كل عضوة تعمل نسخ ولصق للجمل الي قبل حتى تبقى متتابعة )

أبدأ :

When I was a child I was studying in a primary school



When I was a child I was studying in a primary school
I was so cute and intelligent. My parents were proud of me

When I was a child I was studying in a primary school
I was so cute and intelligent. My parents were proud of me and one day while i was walking in the street i saw a strange man

When I was a child I was studying in a primary school
I was so cute and intelligent. My parents were proud of me and one day while i was walking in the street i saw a strang man
The strong man beat his young daughter


اترك تعليقاً

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