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The difference between "Verbally" and "Orally


The difference between Verbally and Orally

Verbally comes from Latin verbum, “word.” Its adjective form
verbal is often used in the sense of “spoken,” and contrasted
with “written.” Here are some examples from a discussion

: about giving notice to a landlord

,If you give notice verbally and not in writing

? is it legally binding

A verbal agreement should be binding. BUT there is
nothing like a written agreement
…It’s always better to do everything in writing
. Nothing works verbally in law

"Verbally is used in other contexts to mean “with words

"or “words without action
. The woman abused her children verbally
,He has no patience with people who verbally profess charity
. but do nothing to relieve the misery of others
Orally comes from Late Latin oralis, which comes from
Latin os, “mouth.” It means “by mouth.” Like verbally, orally
:"is sometimes use in the sense of “spoken
Teachers shall require book reports to be presented orally
"More often, orally means “by mouth
How to get a 3 year old to take medicine orally
How to Give Cat Medicine Orally
,Since taking medicine “orally” involves “swallowing” it
:the following example from the web is overkill
?…What if someone orally swallowed some Lidocaine




تسلمين لي يا قمر
ع الافادة


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ما الفرق في الاستعمال بين between و among؟

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Among and Between

هذه المرة اردت ان اشرح قاعدة بسيطة و سهلة و هي الفرق بين between و among و متى نستعمل إحداهما بدلاُ من الأخرى
أما الدافع وراء كتابة هذا الموضوع فهو لأنني اكتشفت الصعوبة التي يواجهها بعض الطلبة في ذلك.
When we talk about the two words between and among, we have to put in mind that these two words are prepositions of place and both have the same meaning
هما حرفا جر للمكان تعنيان "بين"
Now we come to our point, where is the difference between these two words?
الآن وصلنا إلى النقطة الأساسية، أين وجه الاختلاف بين هاتين الكلمتين؟
Between in used to tell the place of something that is in the middle of two things
يعني هذه الكلمة نستعملها عندما نريد ان نحدد مكان شيء يقع بين غرضيْن أو مكانيْن أو شخصين أو مجموعتين من الأشياء
Example 1: Ahmad is sitting between Ali and Fadi.
أي أن أحمد يجلس بين شخصين هما علي و فادي.
Example 2: The river is between the houses and the trees.
النهر يقع بين البيوت و الأشجار.
Example 3: I saw a cat hiding between the two boxes.
رأيت قطة تختبئ بين الصندوقيْن.

As for “among”, we use this word to tell the place of
something within three things or more.
تستعمل “among” لتحديد مكان شيء يقع بين ثلاثة أو أكثر من الأشياء أو الأشخاص أو الأماكن إلخ…

Example 1: Ahmad is sitting among his friends. (friends = more than 2)
أحمد يجلس بين رفاقه.
Example 2: There was a cat hiding among the trees
كان هناك قطة تختبئ بين الأشجار.
Example 3: “Mahjong” was among the games I downloaded today.
“Mahjong” كانت من بين الألعاب التي قمت بتنزيلها اليوم.

That’s all for today and see you later with another grammar rule and I hope you like it. Plz tell me what do u think of today’s lesson


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The difference between : Do Make الفرق بين


أولا Do :
تستخدم فى الحالات الآتية :
1- تستخدم Do عادة بمعنى يفعل أو يمارس أو يقوم بعمل .

Use the verb ‘do’
to express daily activities or jobs

مثال :
يعمل ( يحل ) الواجب المدرسى do homework
يقوم بأعمال المنزل do housework
يكوى الملابس do the ironing
يغسل الأطباق do the dishes
يؤدي مهمة أو يقوم بعمل do a job

2- تستخدم Do فى عدد من المصطلحات الهامة التالية :

يبذل قصارى جهده do one’s best
يبلى بلاء حسنا do good
يؤذى أو يضر do harm
يعمل معروفا فى do a favour
يقوم بالعمل – يؤدى المهمام do business

ثانيا Make : تستخدم Make بمعنى يصنع لتشير إلى أشياء – صنعت – أو لم تكن موجودة من قبل و أحدثها أو أنشأها الفرد
مثال :

Use ‘make’ to express an activity that creates something that you can touch

يطبخ الطعام make food
يصنع قهوة أو شاىmake a cup of tea / coffee
يصنع ضوضاء – فوضى make a mess
فالشخص الناظر إلى الأشياء السابقة يرى أن الفرد لم يمارس نشاطا و إنما أتى بأشياء لم تكن موجودة مسبقا و فعلها .

2- تستخدم Make فى المصطلحات الهامة التالية :

يضع الخط make plans
يقوم باستثناء – عمل استثنائى make an exception
بضع الترتيبات make arrangements
يجرى مكالمة تليفونية make a telephone call
يتخذ قرارا make a decision
يرتكب خطأ make a mistake
يصنع ضوضاء make noise
يكسب المال make money
يقدم اعتذارا make an excuse
يبذل مجهودا make an effort



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The difference between ONE ONES


I read about an interesting rule which help us a lot

خليجيةand I thought to write here

The difference between ONEONES


?Would you like a chocolate

Would you like one


?I need a pen.Have you got one

I don’t like the black coat but I like the brown one.


?A:Which keys are yours
B:The ones on the table

I don’t like the red shoes but I like the green ones

?These cups are dirty.Can we have some clean ones

خليجيةخليجيةI hope you got it


المواضيع المتشابهة للاقسام العامة

green ghds Whats the difference between the GHD cl

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the positionic is 5 at sephora
and the professional is 225

whats the difference?
The GHD Classic Styler, formerly known as the MK4 Mark IV,green ghds, is all you will ever need to create perfect curls, movement and volume. The GHD Classic Styler also auto adjusts for international voles. The GHD Ceramic Classic Styler and Straightener incorposizes state-of-the-art styling technology. This heat styler curls as easily as it straightens, giving you the ultimate in versatility. This beautifully designed GHD Straightener and Styler has a rounded barrel for improved curling and styling, auto adjust for interstateal voles,GHD Destiny – Red, Green, Blue & Purple Hair Straighteners, a stronger cable, and a new sleep mode which turns itself off after 15 minutes.

Advanced ceramic heaters sense the porosity of the hair to apply and maintain the perfect amount of heat
Infinfrequentd heat protects your hair with negative ions, sealing in its natural oils, moisture and color
Aluminum plates for smooth static-free sheen
Rounded barrel to create waves, curls and flips as well as sexy adhere, straight styles
Sleep mode turns the styler off if it is not utilized for 30 minutes
Fire retardant outer case ensures the iron body does not get too boiling
Universal vole automatically adjusts to the local vole for optimum performance
Shiver mode combats condensation that can cause damage to the iron if the room temperature is below 5 degrees C.
Thermal fuse safety feature prevents the iron from overheating
9-foot strength cord
Built-in micromodeor for fast heat conduction
2 year warranty – Must fill out warranty registration card located with iron to ensure warranty from GHD

ghd professional
Achieve not just divine straight but tousled volume and perfect curls with GHD Professional 1" Original Styler. With sleep mode, digital technology, and universal vole you can stay one step ahead with GHDs most advanced heat technology. The GHD Professional Styler provides the ultimate in hair styling technology to help you discover miraculous new looks!

Rounded barrel: Easily creates curls, waves, flicks, and perfectly straight hair
Sleep mode: Heaters switch off if left unattconclusioned for 30 minutes
Universal vole for optimum performance wherever you travel
Digital technology for improved temperature control
Advanced ceramic heaters provide better styling
Aluminum plates create the ultimate styling surface for a smooth, static-free shine
Heats up quickly
360 degree swivel cord
2-year warranty
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