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" The Many Meanings of " Sweat


" The Many Meanings of " Sweat


Sweat is one of those Old English words that has dwindled
in meaning since Anglo-Saxon times. Back in those
"sword-swinging times, sweat mean “blood
By Middle English times sweat had acquired its modern
"meaning of “perspiration
In addition to its current literal meaning, sweat
: enjoys a rich figurative life

sweat equity
value added to a house by means of the unpaid labor
.of owner or tenant
a collarless long-sleeved pullover made of cotton jersey
.with a smooth-finished face and a heavily napped back
sweat pants
athletic pants made of the same fabric as a sweatshirt
can be either the band of leather or other material that
formsthe lining of a cap, or a band of terry cloth
or other absorbent material worn around the head
to absorb perspiration
sweat bee
a bee attracted to the salt in human perspiration
night sweats
: Excessive sweating during sleep. Medical term
Sleep hyperhidrosis
sweat shop
a small factory that does not conform to local standards of
. safety, sanitation, length of workday, or payment
sweat lodge
an enclosed area heated by steam from water poured on hot
stones; used especially by American Indians for spiritual
. and/or health purposes
no sweat
."This idiom means “no problem
?" Can you fix this wretched computer for me”

"No sweat"




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