اللغة الانجليزية - اللغة الفرنسية - اللغة الاسبانية - اللغة الصينية

|||• Parts of a Sentence• |||

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته~

Parts of a Sentence

Usually when we write a simple sentence, we use two main parts: subject and predicate
عند كتابة جملة في اللغة الانجليزية نحن بحاجة الى استعمال جزئين مهمين: الفاعل والمسند.

The subject tells who or what the sentence is about; the predicate tells what the subject is or does and it always begins with a verb.
الفاعل يتحدث عن من أو ماذا تخبر الجملة أما المسند يخبرنا من هو الفاعل أو ماذا يفعل و هو عادة يبدأ بفعل.

ملاحظة هامة: على الجميع معرفة أن الجزء الأكبر و الشائع الاستعمال من الجمل في الانجليزية هي جمل تبدأ بالفاعل و ليس الفعل أو كما أسميناه سابقاً المسند.

خذ مثال هذه الجملة: يأكل الولد تفاحة كل يوم.
ستكون بالانجليزية:
The boy eats an apple everyday
The boy : الفاعل أو Subject

Eats an apple everyday : المسند أو Predicate
Eats : الفعل أو Verb
ملاحظة هامة عند كتابة أي جملة عليك بدء أول كلمة بحرف كبير capital letter لاحظ كلمة The و إنهاء الجملة بعلامة وقف هي النقطة (.)

إليكم مجموعة من الأمثلة. سأقوم بوضع خط تحت الفاعل أو Subject ,و المسند باللون الأزرق.

السيدة تتحدث إلى صديقتها.
.The lady is talking to her friend

هالة شاهدت فيلماُ ليلة أمس.
Hala wached a movie last night.

علي ذهب إلى المدرسة.
Ali went to school

الطفل كان يبكي طوال الليل.
The baby was crying all night


م/ن لعيونكم,,،:/~


تسلمين لي يا قمر
ع الافادة


اللغة الانجليزية - اللغة الفرنسية - اللغة الاسبانية - اللغة الصينية

body Parts اعضاء جسم الانسان

finger print البصمه
toe اصبع القدم
moustach الشارب
eyelash الرمش
back الظهر
eyebrow الحاجب
waist الخصر
knee الركبه
chest الصدر
neck الرقبه
feet اقدام
eyes عيون
mouth فم
nose انف
finger اصبع
ear اذن
face وجه
hair شعر
head راس
mole شامه
body جسم
nail ظفر
hand يد
palm راحة اليد
tongue لسان
kidney كليه
stomach معده
arm ذراع
beard لحيه
skin جلد
heart قلب

teeth اسنان
belly بطن
pimple حب شباب
elbow كوع


اللغة الانجليزية - اللغة الفرنسية - اللغة الاسبانية - اللغة الصينية

Parts of speech

Parts of speech

To know for sure what part of speech a word is , we have to look not only at the word itself but also at its meaning ,position, and use in a sentence.


Definition :-

A nouns is a word used to refer to people, animals ,s, substances, states, events and feelings. Nouns can be a subject or an of a verb ,

Can be modified by an adjective , can take an article or determiner , and follow a preposition.


In school

A white house

The dog


Affixes :- Derivational

English nouns often take suffixes ( attached in the end ) .


Ment ( ment) , ation ( expectation) , hood ( neighborhood) , ism ( socialism)

:- Noun Plurals

The general rule is to add ( s ) to the noun in singular . for


Book – Books

Car – Cars

*When the singular noun ends in :- ( sh , ch , s , x , o ) we form their plural from by adding ( es ). For


sandwich – sandwiches

brush – brushes

bus – buses

box – boxes

potato – potatoes

*When the singular noun ends in ( y) we change the ( y) for ( i) and then add ( es) to from the plural from . But do not change the( y) for ( ies) to from the plural when the singular noun ends in ( y) preceded by a vowel . For


study – studies

day – days

toy – toys

*However, there are many irregular nouns which do not from the plural in this way . For


Woman– Women

Child – children

:- Noun Gender

Many English nouns would change from depending on their gender . For


Actor – Actress

Waiter – Waخليجيةess

Types of Noun

Proper nouns :-

Are the names of specific people , or places , such as John , France . They usually begin with a capital letter .

Common nouns :-

Are general names such as person , mansion , and book .

Abstract nouns :-

Refer to ideas or qualities such as liberty and truth.

Countable nouns :-

Refer to thing which can be counted ( can be singular or plural .

Uncountable nouns :-

Refer to some groups of countable nouns , substances , feelings and types of activity ( can only be singular) .


Definition :-

Takes the place of a noun , to avoid repeating the noun .


He , she, it , you , they , we


Definition :-

Specifies an action or links the subject to a complement . Verbs can follow auxiliaries and models such as will, have , am , being , would, can , been . etc. The tense of a verb indicates the time when the action happened , past, present or future.


Take , is , go , fire


Definition :-

Modifies a noun or modified by the adverb very.


Useful , black skirt

Very good

Affixes :-

English adjectives often take suffixes ( attached in the end ) .


ive ( indicative) , able ( readable) , ish ( childish) , some ( tiresome), ful

( wishful) , ly ( friendly) , less ( useless)

Adjectives have three degrees: Positive , comparative , and superlative


Old , older, oldest


Definition :-

Most adverbs in English are formed by adding – ly to an Adjective an adverb is a word that modifies the meaning of a verb , and an adjective .

Adverb spelling notes

Adjectives ending -l still -ly ; careful- carefully

Adjectives ending -y still -ily ;lucky- luckily

Adverbs of manner

Modify a verb to describe the way the action is done.


She did the work carefully

Adverbs modifying adjectives

An adjective can be modified by an adverb , which precedes the adjective .


That’s really good

It was a very difficult time for all of us


Definition :-

It usually comes before a noun , pronoun or noun phrase . it joins the noun to some other part of sentence .


To , form , under , over , with , by , at , above , before , after , near , on , off, for, in , into , of , during , across , without , since , until.


Definition :-

Conjunctions are the words we use to link or join two or more sentences together or two words within the same sentence . The most common conjunctions in English are : and , but ,or , because , neither.. nor , either.


We eat at home and work in the office ( The conjunction "and" joins the sentences " we eat at home" with" we work in the office" ) .


Definition :-

It is an unusual kind of word , because it often stands alone . Interjections are words which express emotion or surprise , and they are usually followed by exclamation marks .


Ouch! , Hello! , Hurray! , Oh no! , Ha! , hey! , well! , OMG!, right! .


It contains a number of subcategories .

Deictic Articles :

This , That , These , Those

Quantifiers :

Every , some , most , all , each , any , no

( Cardinal) numeral :

One , two , three , four , etc

Possessive pronouns :

My , your , his , its , etc

Some wh- question words :

Which , whose


Definition :-

English has two types of articles : definite ( the ) and indefinite ( a , an ) The use of these articles depends on whether you are referring to any member of a group , or to a specific member of group :

Indefinite articles – a and an ( determiners )

A and An are the indefinite articles . They refer to something not specifically known to the person you are communicating with .

A and An are used before nouns that introduce something or someone you have not mentioned before


I ate an apple this morning

I bought a pet for my son

*You use an when the noun you are referring to begins with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u )


If the next word begins with a consonant sound when we say it , for example , "university" then we use a . If the next word begins with a vowel sound when we say it , for example , "hour" then we use an

Definite articles – the ( determiners )

You use the when you know that the listener knows what particular person/ thing you are talking a bout .


The dog ( that specific dog )

The apple (that specific apple)

*You should also use the when you have already mentioned the thing you are talking a bout .


She’s got two children ; a girl and a boy . The girl is eight and the boy is fourteen .

*We use the to talk about geographical points on the globe .


The Middle East , the West

*We use the to talk about rivers , oceans and seas .


The Nile , the Pacific

*We also use the before certain nouns when we know there is only one of a particular thing .


The rain , the sun , the wind

*However if you want to describe a particular instance of these you should use ( a , an ) .


" "There’s a cold wind blowing / I could hear the wind""
