المواضيع المتشابهة للاقسام العامة

الفتاة التي حققت اكبر نسبة من التعليم في العالم

Girls that have achieved the highest rate of education in the world 18 years old
She studied at the University of Ocalag in Atalia
Marina claims Ooglua
Marina lives in the United States after the death of her father, Victor Ooglua
and her mother Vanessa Ooglua 40 years old
Marina has lived a difficult life after the death of her father
Was operated as a girl in one of the houses of the Cleanup
When a woman claims that Carmen taught her study
And rules have been started learning Marina and the presence of
Of lessons and other s
Until it became the girl who has achieved the highest rate of education in the world

نتمنى كتابة المواضيع با العربية يا عربية

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